In October, our school was selected to participate in a STEM PD and learning opportunity where a team of three of us learned through webinars about resources that STEM Next has created using Verizon resources to make STEM more accessible to both students and teachers in the classroom and afterschool.
We were selected to participate in the Climate Action AI & the Ocean. |
My AI & the Ocean Unit
My Instructional Slides
Day 1 - Here Comes the Garbage Barge
Day 2 - AI (the good, bad, and ugly)
Day 3 - Micro:bit Garbage Counter
Instead of using Scratch, I like to use physical computing as much as possible so that designers are able to interact with the world and use the code that they are creating.
I wanted the coding activity to create a connection to our community and how trash and pollution are all around us. We don't live near the ocean but trash and pollution is not specific to one place in the world. By having designers engage in creating a Trash Counter, I hoped to build a deeper understanding of the problem and how coding could connect to this problem. ​Of course, I am not in control of the weather so the activity that was suppose to be 5 minutes of seeing how much garbage we could find, turned into 3 minutes and a lot of complaining about the cold. It was cold but fun! |
Day 4 - Robots that Eat Trash
Day 5 - Machine Learning with Teachable Machine
On Day 5, designers entered the classroom to find a mystery lego marine animal that they needed to assemble.
Instead of using images of a marine animal and plastic to use Google's Teachable Machine, I thought it would be fun to use different marine animals that designers would assemble and use for the last two learning activities - machine learning and public service announcements. |
Day 6 and 7 - Public Service Announcements using Canva
I introduced the project with the following PSA. Many designers had not heard of the term PSA or Public Service Announcement so we discussed what they noticed about this PSA and concluded that a PSA was a short video with a focused message.
It was then their turn to use their marine animal to find out how it is affected by pollution. They also were introduced to creating videos using Canva so that as they started to research, they could start to also find images that would support their idea. Some designers chose to work with partners which Canva easily facilitated while other designers were happy to work on their own. |
Thank you to Andria Parrott, Sabrina Gomez, and Brianna Oronoz at STEM Next for selecting our school to participate.